/Final Fantasy XIII-2//First Impressions/

'First Impressions' look at Square-Enix's latest instalment in the long running Final Fantasy series, and this time there's Pokemon!

Okay so there aren't actually Pokemon in this game but FFXIII-2's new monster system is as close as your going to get without throwing poke balls and yelling at Pikachu to use one more thunderbolt. 

Review by James Lawrence

I’ve been a massive fan of the Final Fantasy franchise since those heady days of FFVII, so picking up the latest offering from Square-Enix was pretty much a no brainer for me. I should probably point out that I wasn’t one of those people that considered FFXIII the worst in the franchise. I did enjoy aspects of it, the story was engaging and I felt empathy for the characters, even Hope, (the whiny little bastard) towards the end. My main gripe was that the battle system felt pretty dumbed down (Dragon Age II anybody) and seemed to be too far removed from what made the whole franchise, the turn based battle system. FFXIII felt less of a strategy game and more of a best-tool-the-job kind of scenario, with you picking the best paradigm for the current battle. That being said I enjoyed it enough to complete it and here I am ready for the sequel, the second direct sequel Square-Enix have attempted after X-2. So to hear that they had listened to the fans and improved on the parts that the majority felt didn’t work was great to hear. 

I picked the game up on release, along with Soul Caliber 5 (review to come) and wasn’t that motivated to get home and delve right in there as I do with the vast majority of games. I think the sheer scale of a J-RPG can be quite daunting, particularly if you don’t have a vast amount of time on your hands to give the game what it needs. And you do need to put in a fair stint to get anywhere; you don’t start the monster collection part of the game, which is perhaps one of the coolest features, until a good hour into the game. The game starts off in typical Final Fantasy style with an FMV featuring Lightning and some guy with purple hair, I’m not gonna’ lie he does look pretty awesome, but at this point you have no idea who he is.

The narrative at this point in the game is pretty damn confusing and the time travel aspect does serve a purpose but still feels kind of gimmicky. It also does give the game somewhat of an open feel as you can keep jumping from place to place but essentially it is still pretty linear. You then pick up with the games main heroine, Serah, as the roles are reversed from FFXIII and you are charged with finding Lightning. From what I can gather so far there has been little change to the battle system, it still relies on you shifting paradigms to find the best roles for each character, with one major edition…Pokemon.

Yes, in this instalment you’ve got to catch em’ all. Replacing the somewhat lacklustre Eidolons is the ability to ‘capture’ certain monsters that you fight which you can then use in you party paradigms. Each monster fulfils a different role and said monsters can be ‘lvled up’ to improve their stats through the crystarium, much like Noel and Serah. The difference being that you use items gained from battle rather than CP. I have to admit that at this point in the game this is by far my favourite feature. You can even rename and dress up your monster companions to make them a little more personal. I’ve only just scratched the surface of this game so far but I have to say that I’m enjoying it. I’m intrigued to see what monsters I can catch before I take on the elite four – wait wrong game. Ok, bad jokes aside if you weren’t a fan of FFXIII then this certainly does a lot to address a number of the flaws that the previous game had. If you’re not a fan of the franchise this may well be your way in too. It’s definitely worth a look.