"At least one or two of these team members should have been on the cold side of an air lock"

I intend to play through Mass Effect 2 anther time whilst I patiently await the arrival of Mass Effect 3. I can’t wait to slip back into the shoes of my bad ass protagonist Ramona Shepard and stick it to the Reapers for the last instalment for the trilogy. The second game certainly does warrant a revisit, but the main reason I intend to go back is that I feel like I played it wrong the first time. I never really like the term “your playing it wrong”, games should be played the way you want to play them, but let me at least put my case across to yourselves so that you might be able to enhance your own experience.

I have a love hate relationship with achievements, they are great carrots on sticks but since my initial play through of Mass Effect 2 I learnt to avoid them at least until I have completed the main story. The main draw of Mass Effect games for me is that my experience is completely different from yours. The story and characters are all influenced by choices that I make, I loved this aspect in Mass Effect 1 and it made me anxious and exited about each decision I made, knowing that my actions would have consequences not only in this world but also in the next two games only made for a more interest and compelling experience. For instance, a Character that has died in my Mass Effect 1 play through could be a jilted lover in your games! This is something that can not be done in any other medium.

When Mass effect 2 arrived I was keen to get through the game and see where the adventure takes me, however the habit I indulged in at the time was to look at the achievements and plan ahead for what was to come. And I saw that there were achievements for gaining the loyalty of each of your squad members. Sounds simple you think, why wouldn't you do them? As a gamer I had a instinct to get all the achievements I possibly could but the problem was that it wasn't in my protagonist's nature to get along with everyone, at least one or two of these team members should have been on the cold side of an air lock if I was in the role of my Shepard. I had a choice, do I maximise the amount of content that I experience in the game? or do I stay to true to the character I created in the first game? Unfortunately I gave in to achievement addiction and it effectively ruined and otherwise enjoyable experience.

I'm not saying you shouldn't try and experience as much of the game as possible. What I am saying is that there are lot of linear games out there where you get to to experience all the game has to offer in a single play through, and that's fine if you want to play Mass Effect like that. But I think you are really missing out on creating an experience that is truly unique to this medium, if you create a character and make it your own and to take the time and thought to think about your actions, you ultimately create a world you care more about and a more enriched gaming experience for yourself.